MHSAA 1A-2A-3A State Cross Country Championships 2023

Clinton, MS

MHSAA 1A-2A-3A State Cross Country Championships 2023 vs MHSAA 1A-3A-5A State Cross Country Championships 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -12 535 547
Overall Average -14.58 24:12.94 24:27.52
1st-10th Place -2.74 17:07.66 17:10.40
1st-25th Place -0.85 17:47.19 17:48.04
1st-50th Place -5.32 18:23.23 18:28.55
1st-100th Place -8.19 19:08.48 19:16.67
Common Athletes -- -- 7
Ran Faster 7 7 --
Ran Season Best -- 2 2
Average Time -2:55.50 21:40.01 24:35.51
Median Time -2:39.80 22:03.10 24:42.90
Middle 80% Times -3:05.65 22:01.63 25:07.28
Top 10% Times -1:54.60 19:30.30 21:24.90
Top 25% Times -2:00.75 19:44.35 21:45.10
Top 50% Times -2:26.05 20:26.58 22:52.63
Bottom 50% Times -2:41.08 17:28.45 20:09.53
Bottom 25% Times -3:58.65 23:47.10 27:45.75
Bottom 10% Times -3:44.50 24:06.60 27:51.10
Average Difference -2:55.50 -- --
Median Difference -5:12.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:13.02 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:10.40 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:50.75 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:50.75 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4:34.53 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -6:02.75 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:23.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Noah Tooley Belmont High School -5:12.60 19:30.30 24:42.90
Thomas Rosamond Winona Secondary School -7:42.00 19:58.40 27:40.40
Emily Ireland St. Andrew's Episcopal School -1:10.40 20:14.50 21:24.90
Morgan Green Hickory Flat Attendance Center -2.20 22:03.10 22:05.30
Averie Jane Gundy French Camp Academy -57.80 22:19.60 23:17.40
Haleigh Selph Alcorn Central High School -4:23.50 23:27.60 27:51.10
Ahmaud Seawood Winona Secondary School -1:00.00 24:06.60 25:06.60