Meet Information
2016 1A-3A-5A State Cross Country Meet Information
SITE: Mississippi College Choctaw Trails Watson Cross Country Course
Saturday, November 5, 2016
11:00 5A Girls
11:30 5A Boys
12:00 3A Girls
12:30 3A Boys
12:35 5A Awards Ceremony
1:00 1A Girls
1:30 1A Boys
1:35 3A Awards Ceremony
2:15 1A Awards Ceremony
Runners are to report to the starting line fifteen (15) minutes before the start of each race. Starting boxes will be selected by lot!
ENTRIES INFO: A team will consist of a minimum of five runners and a maximum of seven. A school may enter fewer than five runners to compete as individuals. A school may enter up to 10 runners (a team of seven plus three alternates). All entries will be issued a competitor number and timing chip(s). Any seven and only seven of the entries may compete in the state meet.
ENTRY METHOD: All entries will be done online at! ONLY ONLINE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! There is no charge to school entering online! To enter your team: (1) Go to, (2) on the home page click Calendar, (3) on the Cross Country tab click 2016 Meet Calendar, (4) on the Meet Calendar page scroll down to November 2016 and select MHSAA State Cross Country Championships, (5) on the MHSAA State Cross Country Championships page click the green Enter Online Now tab and follow instructions. IMPORTANT: BEFORE REGISTERING YOUR TEAM YOU MUST BE REGISTERED FOR A MILESPLIT ACCOUNT AND HAVE CLAIMED YOUR TEAM!!! For help with online registration and/or claiming your team go to, on the home page click Resources, and then click Help with Entering on the Online Registration tab.
Entries Open: Monday, October 3, 2016
Entries Close: Midnight, Monday, October 31, 2016
Coaches are urged to print an entry confirmation after entering their team(s) and bring with them to the state meet. Schools will be charged $25.00 for each day they are late making their on-line entries after the entry deadline!
ENTRY FEES: $10.00 per runner with a maximum of $70.00 per team (boys and girls teams are separate). Entry fees may be mailed or brought to the state meet. Make checks payable to MHSAA. Mail entry fees to: MHSAA, P.O. Box 127, Clinton, MS 39060.
1. Check in at the meet center and pickup team packet and pay any outstanding entry fees.
2. Enclosed in your team packet are:
Competitor numbers and timing chips. Each athlete will have an assigned competitor number with a corresponding numbered timing chip(s). Each athlete will be required to have their assigned number pinned on the front of their jersey in order to compete! Athletes must SECURELY attach their assigned chip(s) to their shoe laces with the supplied ties! Chips must be worn: No chip No time or place!
Course Maps, Starting Box Assignment Sheet, Ties & Safety Pins
3.ANY SEVEN OF A SCHOOLS ENTRIES MAY COMPETE! There will be no changes or substitutions, only corrections on the day of the meet!!
RESULTS: FinishLynx, IPICO Chip Timing & Hy-Tek will be used for timing and results at this years meet!!!
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course is grass and spikes can be used if desired. All races are 5000 meters! Pace clocks will be set up or splits will be called at the mile and 2-mile marks.
CHIP COLLECTION CORRAL: Timing chips will be collected at the end of each race!!! Coaches are ultimately responsible for the return of all chips issued to their team for the competition. Schools will be charged $20.00 for EACH chip not returned!
CLEAN UP: Please keep area clean by placing all trash in cans and trash bags provided at meet check in.
UNIFORM: Each athlete must wear a school issued uniform.
RESULTS: Results will be posted on the results board following each award ceremony in each class. Complete results will be posted on the MHSAA web site and at the evening of the state meet.
Registration help:
SITE: Mississippi College Choctaw Trails Watson Cross Country Course
Saturday, November 5, 2016
11:00 5A Girls
11:30 5A Boys
12:00 3A Girls
12:30 3A Boys
12:35 5A Awards Ceremony
1:00 1A Girls
1:30 1A Boys
1:35 3A Awards Ceremony
2:15 1A Awards Ceremony
Runners are to report to the starting line fifteen (15) minutes before the start of each race. Starting boxes will be selected by lot!
ENTRIES INFO: A team will consist of a minimum of five runners and a maximum of seven. A school may enter fewer than five runners to compete as individuals. A school may enter up to 10 runners (a team of seven plus three alternates). All entries will be issued a competitor number and timing chip(s). Any seven and only seven of the entries may compete in the state meet.
ENTRY METHOD: All entries will be done online at! ONLY ONLINE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! There is no charge to school entering online! To enter your team: (1) Go to, (2) on the home page click Calendar, (3) on the Cross Country tab click 2016 Meet Calendar, (4) on the Meet Calendar page scroll down to November 2016 and select MHSAA State Cross Country Championships, (5) on the MHSAA State Cross Country Championships page click the green Enter Online Now tab and follow instructions. IMPORTANT: BEFORE REGISTERING YOUR TEAM YOU MUST BE REGISTERED FOR A MILESPLIT ACCOUNT AND HAVE CLAIMED YOUR TEAM!!! For help with online registration and/or claiming your team go to, on the home page click Resources, and then click Help with Entering on the Online Registration tab.
Entries Open: Monday, October 3, 2016
Entries Close: Midnight, Monday, October 31, 2016
Coaches are urged to print an entry confirmation after entering their team(s) and bring with them to the state meet. Schools will be charged $25.00 for each day they are late making their on-line entries after the entry deadline!
ENTRY FEES: $10.00 per runner with a maximum of $70.00 per team (boys and girls teams are separate). Entry fees may be mailed or brought to the state meet. Make checks payable to MHSAA. Mail entry fees to: MHSAA, P.O. Box 127, Clinton, MS 39060.
1. Check in at the meet center and pickup team packet and pay any outstanding entry fees.
2. Enclosed in your team packet are:
Competitor numbers and timing chips. Each athlete will have an assigned competitor number with a corresponding numbered timing chip(s). Each athlete will be required to have their assigned number pinned on the front of their jersey in order to compete! Athletes must SECURELY attach their assigned chip(s) to their shoe laces with the supplied ties! Chips must be worn: No chip No time or place!
Course Maps, Starting Box Assignment Sheet, Ties & Safety Pins
3.ANY SEVEN OF A SCHOOLS ENTRIES MAY COMPETE! There will be no changes or substitutions, only corrections on the day of the meet!!
RESULTS: FinishLynx, IPICO Chip Timing & Hy-Tek will be used for timing and results at this years meet!!!
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course is grass and spikes can be used if desired. All races are 5000 meters! Pace clocks will be set up or splits will be called at the mile and 2-mile marks.
CHIP COLLECTION CORRAL: Timing chips will be collected at the end of each race!!! Coaches are ultimately responsible for the return of all chips issued to their team for the competition. Schools will be charged $20.00 for EACH chip not returned!
CLEAN UP: Please keep area clean by placing all trash in cans and trash bags provided at meet check in.
UNIFORM: Each athlete must wear a school issued uniform.
RESULTS: Results will be posted on the results board following each award ceremony in each class. Complete results will be posted on the MHSAA web site and at the evening of the state meet.
Registration help: