
Lewisburg High School

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-03-18 LMS vs DCMS Daul
2024-10-12 DeSoto County XC Championships
2024-04-15 Showdown At the Burg Rescheduled to 4/15
2024-04-04 Desoto Middle School Qualifiers - Afternoon
2024-04-04 Desoto Middle School Qualifiers - Morning
2024-03-19 LMS vs DCMS Dual
2024-03-02 Canceled Patriot Invitational
2023-10-21 DeSoto County Championships
2023-04-13 MHSAA Division 3-6A
2023-04-06 Showdown At the Burg (Canceled)
2023-04-03 Desoto Middle School Qualifiers - Late
2023-04-03 Desoto Middle School Qualifiers - Early
2023-03-31 Patriot Invitational Rescheduled
2022-10-22 DeSoto County Cross Country Championship
2022-04-16 Desoto Middle School Qualifiers - Morning
2022-04-07 MHSAA Division 3-6A
2022-03-29 Meet Dual
2022-03-10 Patriot Invitational
2022-03-03 Patriot Ice Breaker
2021-04-16 Desoto Middle Qualifiers - Afternoon
2021-04-16 Desoto Middle Qualifiers - Morning
2021-04-01 Showdown At the Burg
2021-03-25 Patriot Annual Invitation **Canceled Due to Weather**
2020-04-07 Desoto County Middle School Championships
2020-04-03 Showdown At the Burg
2020-03-31 Battle of the East
2020-03-24 Battle of the West
2020-03-19 *Canceled*Patriot Annual Invitation
2020-03-17 Middle School Practice Meet
2019-04-06 Showdown at the Burg
2019-03-22 Patriot Annual Invitation
2019-02-26 Patriot Practice Meet cancelled
2011-04-07 Chickasaw Conference Meet

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 - 1:19.00 21:00 - 1:51.00
16:00 - 1:24.00 22:00 - 1:56.00
17:00 - 1:29.00 23:00 - 2:01.00
18:00 - 1:35.00 24:00 - 2:06.00
19:00 - 1:40.00 25:00 - 2:12.00
20:00 - 1:45.00 26:00 - 2:17.00