Pontotoc XC Invitational 2022

Pontotoc, MS

Pontotoc XC Invitational 2022 vs Pontotoc XC Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -75 527 602
Overall Average -1:31.77 24:03.05 25:34.82
1st-10th Place -1:01.06 16:33.12 17:34.18
1st-25th Place -59.05 17:08.65 18:07.70
1st-50th Place -53.17 17:45.88 18:39.05
1st-100th Place -37.33 18:42.30 19:19.63
Common Athletes -- -- 77
Ran Faster -3 37 40
Ran Season Best 14 18 4
Average Time +7.20 23:30.81 23:23.61
Median Time +19.92 22:58.20 22:38.28
Middle 80% Times +10.26 23:20.81 23:10.55
Top 10% Times +27.66 18:36.61 18:08.95
Top 25% Times +37.34 19:38.67 19:01.33
Top 50% Times +20.38 20:42.87 20:22.49
Bottom 50% Times -6.17 25:42.56 25:48.74
Bottom 25% Times -39.87 28:08.49 28:48.36
Bottom 10% Times -39.70 30:19.01 30:58.71
Average Difference +7.20 -- --
Median Difference +1:34.27 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +12.57 -- --
Top 10% Difference +12.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference +24.82 -- --
Top 25% Difference +17.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference +24.82 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -8.19 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -35.12 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -42.09 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dylan Reed Caledonia High School +1:19.80 18:20.29 17:00.49
Aiden Patterson New Albany High School -40.92 17:37.35 18:18.27
Samuel Aguilar Pontotoc High School +3:11.09 20:49.61 17:38.52
Carter Reed Caledonia High School +1:11.69 19:08.98 17:57.29
Justin Sanders Saltillo High School -1:46.22 18:12.63 19:58.85
Sam Pittman Mooreville High School -1:25.25 18:15.44 19:40.69
Christopher Figueroa South Pontotoc High School +1:36.93 20:05.49 18:28.56
Harris Byrd Lafayette High School +3:35.55 22:07.78 18:32.23
Karsten Bailey Itawamba Agricultural High School +32.12 19:09.74 18:37.62
Cameron Braxton Pontotoc High School +55.91 19:34.54 18:38.63
Blayne Adkins New Hope High School +13.20 19:01.03 18:47.83
Nile Hunt Mooreville High School +3:14.93 22:15.38 19:00.45
Jayce Culver Pontotoc High School -28.30 19:07.41 19:35.71
Nathan Russell Hickory Flat Attendance Center +1:32.02 20:39.95 19:07.93
Bryan Chora Caledonia High School +2:29.41 21:58.38 19:28.97
Shaw Bradley Mooreville High School -25.39 19:35.88 20:01.27
David Comans East Union Attendance Center +2:26.27 22:06.58 19:40.31
Bennett Buse Saltillo High School +3:40.38 23:21.35 19:40.97
Dale Britt Eupora High School +26.66 20:25.64 19:58.98
Drake McNinch Saltillo High School +1:03.29 21:16.32 20:13.03
Porter Lindsay Lafayette High School -1:50.70 20:17.91 22:08.61
Carter Locke Ripley High School -13.30 20:25.74 20:39.04
Ella Shepherd Caledonia High School +34.85 21:00.87 20:26.02
Luis Moreno Pontotoc High School -2:18.42 20:26.93 22:45.35
Macy Bain South Pontotoc High School -1:01.11 20:26.97 21:28.08
Andrew Chrestman Pontotoc High School +14.59 20:42.43 20:27.84
Brett Miller Tupelo Christian Preparatory School -54.13 20:37.30 21:31.43
Carson Kessler Tupelo Christian Preparatory School -2:27.17 20:41.80 23:08.97
Sarah Sanders Mooreville High School -1:36.59 20:52.43 22:29.02
Kelby Collums South Pontotoc High School +1:11.04 22:13.16 21:02.12
Martin Boyd Mooreville High School -1:07.55 21:04.52 22:12.07
Chayse Partlow Itawamba Agricultural High School +1:33.05 23:03.72 21:30.67
Kennedy Neal Saltillo High School -13.79 21:32.31 21:46.10
Anna Bishop Powell Tupelo Christian Preparatory School -2:30.90 21:39.14 24:10.04
Roslyn Bohannan Choctaw Central High School -2:26.94 21:48.75 24:15.69
Noah Coker Amory High School +1:34.27 23:26.81 21:52.54
Meredith Gillmore Kossuth High School -50.61 21:55.16 22:45.77
Sidney Strother Itawamba Agricultural High School +6.79 22:10.28 22:03.49
Landyn Rose McMillan Saltillo High School -2:12.03 22:04.04 24:16.07
Hunter Miller Ripley High School +14.67 22:21.76 22:07.09
Preston Clark Saltillo High School +4:20.24 26:43.57 22:23.33
Cameron Rodriguez Choctaw Central High School +1:36.76 24:00.84 22:24.08
Kyler Kent Eupora High School +13.56 22:43.92 22:30.36
Colin Creel Saltillo High School +4:24.83 26:55.24 22:30.41
Brenden Rowland Hickory Flat Attendance Center +2:42.14 25:20.42 22:38.28
Victoria Greenlee Saltillo High School +2:06.44 24:48.18 22:41.74
Max Clemmer Walnut Attendance Center +3:01.72 25:53.31 22:51.59
Chloe Bollig Kossuth High School +15.20 23:08.19 22:52.99
Samuel Comstock Mooreville High School -1:37.44 22:58.20 24:35.64
Damian Jordon East Union Attendance Center +2:26.59 25:44.95 23:18.36
Rimes Kent Tupelo Christian Preparatory School -4:49.47 23:37.46 28:26.93
Bradyn Long Tupelo Christian Preparatory School +3:00.26 26:39.80 23:39.54
Dakota Gentry East Union Attendance Center -3:26.17 24:01.26 27:27.43
Ally Moore Pontotoc High School +1:00.94 25:17.36 24:16.42
Kenley Conwill East Union Attendance Center +1:12.10 25:30.70 24:18.60
Luke Bolen Saltillo High School -3:26.30 24:24.71 27:51.01
Kendall Adams South Pontotoc High School -1:34.65 24:31.02 26:05.67
Win Wardlaw Tupelo Christian Preparatory School +5.23 24:47.70 24:42.47
Sydney Langford Saltillo High School -38.37 24:46.05 25:24.42
Tripp Pipkin Hickory Flat Attendance Center -5.63 24:48.07 24:53.70
Kameron Carr Eupora High School -42.61 25:11.43 25:54.04
Juliana Dickey Independence High School +1:42.00 27:18.16 25:36.16
Sophia Bean Tupelo Christian Preparatory School -34.93 25:52.05 26:26.98
Dylan Buchanan Ripley High School +51.83 26:45.82 25:53.99
Genesis Tzib Pontotoc High School -1:52.81 25:59.13 27:51.94
Caroline Clay New Hope High School -1:17.89 26:42.19 28:00.08
Ava McCain Eupora High School -1:51.76 26:43.62 28:35.38
Malena Pierce Lafayette High School -1:20.54 27:16.69 28:37.23
Ainsleigh Dunn Saltillo High School -2:26.80 27:28.12 29:54.92
Aiden Ligon Eupora High School +7:34.61 35:05.31 27:30.70
Loralee Jernigan Eupora High School +40.37 28:53.78 28:13.41
Salena Pierce Lafayette High School -4:29.70 28:23.08 32:52.78
Chelsey Thrasher Kossuth High School -1:48.42 28:35.01 30:23.43
Aaryn Vines Mooreville High School -13.34 28:47.17 29:00.51
Neidi Chora Caledonia High School +1:18.97 31:06.93 29:47.96
Georgia Loague East Union Attendance Center -4:02.25 30:37.22 34:39.47
Mary Dunn New Albany High School -1:29.82 31:03.55 32:33.37