Meet Information
Cost for the meet is $200 per school Payments Make checks payable to Kosciusko High School Track.
Concessions will be open.
Bathrooms by concessions.
Coaches Meeting will start at 10:45 and Meet promptly at 11:00.
Coaches will be expected to help with events. Since this is during the school day, I will not have my normal help to run this meet
Coaches should be sure as they are entering their athletes and relays that they are entered into the CORRECT Division Meet and the CORRECT Class/Event!!!
Concessions will be open.
Bathrooms by concessions.
Coaches Meeting will start at 10:45 and Meet promptly at 11:00.
Coaches will be expected to help with events. Since this is during the school day, I will not have my normal help to run this meet
Coaches should be sure as they are entering their athletes and relays that they are entered into the CORRECT Division Meet and the CORRECT Class/Event!!!