Mississippi XC Boy Runner Of The Week

Your chance to see who you think really was the top boy runner in Mississippi this week. Vote for your athlete or the one you think truly deserves to be the runner of the week. It does not have to be the fastest time it just might be who you think really made an impact this week.

Top Times This Week


Kevin Cooley

D'Iberville High

D'Iberville Invitational15:24.51

Christian Balcer

East Central

Faith Academy's Boardwalk Challenge15:49.31

Chase Rose

Oxford High

Pontotoc XC Invitational15:58.73

Spencer Jones

Biloxi High

D'Iberville Invitational16:14.83

Luke Johnson

Oxford HighPontotoc XC Invitational16:20.36

Adam Atigh

Ocean Springs

D'Ibewrville High16:20.53