MHSAA Returning Boys #1 Runners by Classification


Brock Kelly, Tupelo Christian is the top runner returning with a 16:46. He has over a 30 second lead on 2nd place in the classification. If this young man runs against enough competition he could break 16 mins this year and still have his senior year to rewrite the record book. 


Thomas Floyd, Ingomar leads Class 2A again by just under 30 seconds. To have a great season he need to improve his PR from 17:07 to the low 16 minutes.


Tanner Childs, Kossuth leads this group with a 17:31 and I expect that he will have to drop that under 17 minutes. This class usually produces some surprises so look for great racing by Class 3A teams.


Dylan Allen, Mooreville no doubt that the top runner in the State last year leads this classification. If the weather is right at State this senior could rewrite the records books. His 15:39 from last year is one of the fastest ever run by a high school runner in Mississippi.


Cole Benoit, Pearl River is ranked fourth overall in the returning boys and leads Class 5A by 23 seconds with his 16:34. But Cole better keep a watch over his shoulder there are athletes in this Class that could give him a run for the money.


Clay Derrick, Oak Grove leads this Classification with a 16:27 but it could be a close race at State. There are three other runners between 6 and 17 seconds close on Clay's heels. Look for some really great racing in Class 6A this year.