Meet Information
EMAIL ME AT for the password.
Registration help -
$125 per high school (male female combined)
$50 per middle school (male female combined)
$175 max
Payments Check payable to St. Andrew's Episcopal School
Pay at meet (preferred)
Meet Schedule
10:30 Coaches Meeting in front of blue track shed
11:00 Start field events
1) Athletes in multiple events should check into both before the start of competition
2) High Jump and Pole Vault take precedence because the bar cannot be moved
3) Athletes will have a chance to come back to long or triple jump events so long as the competition has not ended for their flight.
4) Coaches should help athletes manage these conflicts
High Jump (Pit 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
High Jump (Pit 2) HS Boys, MS Boys
Triple Jump (Upper Pit 1) HS Girls, MS Girls
Triple Jump (Upper Pit 2) MS Boys, HS Boys
Long Jump (Lower Pit 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
Long Jump (Lower Pit 2) HS Boys, MS Boys
Discus (Lower Ring) HS Boys, MS Boys
Discus (Infield Ring) HS Girls, MS Girls
Shotput (Ring 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
Shotput (Ring 2) MS Boys, HS Boys
Pole Vault (Lower Field) All Girls followed by Boys (may be combined)
12:30 4x800 (girls then boys). MS and HS run together.
1:15 3200 (MS girls then MS Boys)
2:00 Track Events (order: MS girls, HS girls, MS boys, HS boys)
100/110 hurdles (30, 33, 110 33, 39)
300 (30, 30, 30, 36)
3200 (HS girls, HS boys)
6:00 Approximate end time for meet
MS and HS will be scored separately. 3 per event may be entered, 1 team per relay event.
We will have ribbons for MS and HS and a trophy for the top team in each division for male and female teams.
Registration help -
$125 per high school (male female combined)
$50 per middle school (male female combined)
$175 max
Payments Check payable to St. Andrew's Episcopal School
Pay at meet (preferred)
Meet Schedule
10:30 Coaches Meeting in front of blue track shed
11:00 Start field events
1) Athletes in multiple events should check into both before the start of competition
2) High Jump and Pole Vault take precedence because the bar cannot be moved
3) Athletes will have a chance to come back to long or triple jump events so long as the competition has not ended for their flight.
4) Coaches should help athletes manage these conflicts
High Jump (Pit 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
High Jump (Pit 2) HS Boys, MS Boys
Triple Jump (Upper Pit 1) HS Girls, MS Girls
Triple Jump (Upper Pit 2) MS Boys, HS Boys
Long Jump (Lower Pit 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
Long Jump (Lower Pit 2) HS Boys, MS Boys
Discus (Lower Ring) HS Boys, MS Boys
Discus (Infield Ring) HS Girls, MS Girls
Shotput (Ring 1) MS Girls, HS Girls
Shotput (Ring 2) MS Boys, HS Boys
Pole Vault (Lower Field) All Girls followed by Boys (may be combined)
12:30 4x800 (girls then boys). MS and HS run together.
1:15 3200 (MS girls then MS Boys)
2:00 Track Events (order: MS girls, HS girls, MS boys, HS boys)
100/110 hurdles (30, 33, 110 33, 39)
300 (30, 30, 30, 36)
3200 (HS girls, HS boys)
6:00 Approximate end time for meet
MS and HS will be scored separately. 3 per event may be entered, 1 team per relay event.
We will have ribbons for MS and HS and a trophy for the top team in each division for male and female teams.