Meet Coverage: Pearl Season Opener

PAGES: Instagram | Calendar | Rankings | Results

    The first major meet of the season is in the books, and we have all the coverage for you! At this meet, we tested out uploading race videos live after every event. Due to this, only the first heat of every event was recorded. Since our live uploading was successful, look forward to every event and heat having full video coverage in the future! With that being said, take a look at the footage and photos that we collected below!



4x100m Girls | 4x100m Boys

4x200m Girls | 4x200m Boys

4x800m Girls | 4x800m Boys


100m Dash Girls | 100m Dash Boys

100mH Girls | 110mH Boys

400m Girls | 400m Boys


1600m Girls | 1600m Boys

3200m Girls | 3200m Boys


Photo Album by Bennett Ferguson and Harrison Wampler

**If you want to download full-quality photos, make sure you use the download feature on the Milesplit website. Whenever you view an image on the Milesplit photo album, it may appear low quality, but if you click the download button on the side of your screen, you will get the full-quality image! Never use the save image feature on a computer or phone, as that will severely cut the quality of the photo. See the image below on which button to click for the best quality.**