Senior Sendoff: Oak Grove's Gavin Wheat

LINK: Senior Sendoff Submission Survey

In this week's Milesplit Mississippi Senior Sendoff, we shine the spotlight on Gavin Wheat, an exceptional distance runner from Oak Grove High School. Wheat will be continuing his academic and athletic journey at William Carey University.

Throughout the 2022-23 season, Wheat established himself as one of Mississippi's top long-distance runners. He achieved impressive lifetime bests of 4:25 in the 1600m, 9:33 in the 3200m, and 15:53 in the 5K cross country race. Notably, his 9:33 performance in the 3200m ranks as the seventh-fastest in the last decade among Mississippi runners.

Wheat's talent and hard work earned him a spot in the 2023 MHSAA 6A Track and Field Championships, where he competed in both the 1600m and 3200m events, finishing fifth and sixth, respectively. Throughout the track and field season, he secured seven victories, showcasing his exceptional abilities.

In addition, Wheat achieved a commendable fourth-place finish at the 2022 All-Mississippi Cross Country Championships, further establishing himself as a top contender in the state.

At William Carey University, Wheat will continue to participate in events ranging from the 1500m to the 10,000m. He plans to pursue a major in Sports Medicine. Sports Medicine is a field that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries. Graduates in this field often pursue careers as athletic trainers, physical therapists, sports medicine physicians, or exercise physiologists, among others.

Gavin Wheat's remarkable athletic abilities, dedication, and commitment to his sport make him a standout athlete. With his talent and determination, we have no doubt that he will continue to achieve great things in his athletic and academic pursuits.

Congratulations to Gavin Wheat on his impressive high school career, and we wish him continued success as he takes on new challenges at William Carey University. The future is bright for this exceptional distance runner as he leaves his mark on the collegiate level.

**Interview Below**

Q: Explain your 'track and field journey'... (How did you get into running, how did your senior season go, and how did you get connected with the college that you are going to?

A: Someone invited me to try out one year and I wasn't too slow so I got on the team but I wasn't really into the sport until the summer after my freshman year when I started growing more in my faith and God showed me I was called to give 100% and to work hard and give the sport everything I had so I started progressing more and I was really enjoying and embracing the journey. Senior year went well and I had some pr's and fast times but I also grew a lot as a person and as an athlete which I'm grateful for. 

Q: What is your most memorable meet/race and why?

A: Probably Simpson academy junior year. I had a lot of anxiety going into the race and it got so bad I could feel my legs getting weak on the warm up. It was so tempting to keep worrying and let the doubts flood in but I read a verse that says God gives us a spirit of power love and self discipline and Instead of relying on my feelings and chasing every doubt that came to my mind I just let go and trusted and as soon as I got to the line all the worry had left and I felt strong and confident and we ended up having a great team performance. That's something I took with me for the rest of my high school career and it's helped me see the sport through a different light. The sport is meant to be enjoyed and embraced not worried and stressed over.

Q: Out of all your high school achievements, which one means the most to you and why?

A: The all state team win. My team had a huge set back at state because we all got sick the week before and we just didn't have a fast day so to see my teammates come back and get a win meant a lot to me because I had watched them work so hard and have such high hopes and it was tough to take that state loss. The win doesn't add or take away from the worth of that team because win or lose this was a special group of people and really wanted to go out there and suffer but that trophy was a good representation of that and I'm happy we got to have that experience.

Q: If you could go back and do it all over again, what would you change, if anything?

A: I wouldn't change anything it was a great journey with a lot of mistakes , wins , and losses and I'm better for it

Q: Who is somebody that you look up to/someone that helped you along your journey to get you where you are today?

A: There's no doubt it's God whose brought me to where I am and blessed me with all the opportunities and the ability to run and he's provided a great team and a phenomenal coach to help me be the best I can be. Coach Josh and Bennett Ferguson are two people that had huge impacts on me. I remember seeing Bennett for the first time at George county my freshman year and thinking he was the best athlete on the planet but he really set the tone for the whole team and showed us all how to work hard and Coach Josh was just raw like he told you how it was and what needed to be done and on top of that he was out there showing you it could be done because he was hitting workouts with us. His dedication is unlike anything I've ever seen and he's just an awesome coach and an even better person.

Q: What will you miss the most?

A: I'll miss my team the most

Q: What piece of advice would you give to the younger athletes that are just getting started on their journey?

A: Stay present and don't worry about the future or what other people are doing. Take one step at a time embrace that hurt and suffering that comes with running and give it everything you have because that's what you're empowered to do.