Name: Cameron O'Neal
School: Biloxi High School
Signed (yes or no): Yes
If yes what School: Georgia Tech
Q: What does your training look like right now given the current situation?
A: At first, I was able to go to a local track to continue my workouts, but when the stay at home order was addressed, my workouts changed. Now at home, I am continuing to train by doing light jogging and lifting weights.
Q: What are you doing to stay busy other than run right now?
A: My school assignments have been keeping me pretty busy, but for fun, I play video games on my Playstation and watch Netflix.
Q: What was your most memorable race/moment?
A: My most memorable moment is my most recent one. It was the last track meet of my short-lived senior year and I was entered to run the 100, my first-time running the open 100. By winning that race, I broke the school record. This showed myself and my other teammates that I could participate and win other events other than jumping.
Q: What was the funniest thing that happened during your running career?
A: Last year during a meet at Southern Miss, one of my teammates ran the open 100. Someone in his heat false started, but he did not hear the second gun shot. He continued to run the entire race before realizing it didn't count. My teammates and I laughed about that for the rest of the season.
Q: Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
A: My biggest competition was probably Dylan Lawrence (George County) and Derick Hall (Gulfport).They were the best guys on the coast and in my mind in the state.I knew once I was able to beat those guys, that I could beat anyone.
Q: What was your greatest accomplishment?
A: I was blessed to have a fair amount of success as part of one of the best teams in the state, but winning Gatorade Athlete of the Year has to be my biggest accomplishment.
Q: If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
A: I would have asked my coach to enter me in more sprinting races. I also wish I had gone to the weight room before my high school career was over.
Q: What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
A: Overcoming injuries, both small and large were my most difficult obstacles to overcome.But as my coach says, athletics mirrors life.Everyone is going to have difficult obstacles, but how you respond to these obstacles often determines if you truly win or lose.During my sophomore season I competed with a torn labrum which impacted my range of motion.Having to overcome the mental as well as physical obstacles during this time and to go on to be the South State Champion gave me the confidence that once I was back completely healthy that I could win it all.
Q: What will you miss the most?
A: I'll miss being coached by my Dad. He was the one who introduced me to the sport and ignited my fire to compete. He was always there through my ups and downs and believed in me when no one else would.I'll miss him being right over my shoulder, but I know he will always be in my corner.
Q: What advice would you give to younger athletes?
A: The advice that I would give to younger athletes is to practice outside of practice. Working extra doesn't guarantee that you'll win, but it gives you the confidence to know that you've done everything possible for an opportunity at success. And if you get beat, you can either get bitter or get better.
Q: What kind of an impact has your coach had on you and your team?
A: My Dad instills confidence in every single one of his athletes. He strives for us to push our own boundaries by lining up to compete and to never back down from a race. If you listen to him coach, you will hear his faith in our team and it makes us better and stronger.
Q: What are your college plans?
A: I plan to run track at Georgia Tech and major in Business Administration.
Q: Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?
A: I'd like to thank my family for their support.Especially, during my early AAU days that had us all out at the track for 10-12 hours each weekend. My Mom made sure that we always had our snacks and stayed hydrated.I remember she would always push this cart with everything for the day in it, complete with a tent and cot.
I'd also like to thank all of my coaches and teammates I've had in my high school career. They motivated me every time I stepped onto the track because of their belief in me.
Q: Favorite Meal?
A: My family likes to say I'll eat any and everything, but I've always had a soft spot for carribean food. Jerk Chicken, rice and peas with Jamician steamed cabbage is my favorite meal.
Q: If you could be any animal what would you choose? and why?
A: I would be an eagle, so I could fly.
Q: Your favorite superhero?
A: My favorite superhero is probably Spiderman.