Name: Chase Rose, Kirk Academy
Personal bests: 800-2:12, 1600- 4:53, 3200- 10:31
Academic interests: My favorite subject is math.
Hobbies: Running, basketball, and hanging with friends
Favorite quote: Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
How did you get involved in this sport? my dad got me into running.
What is your favorite race and why? I like all my races
How do you
look at being ranked as one of the top in the state in the your event? it
feels pretty good to know that all this hard work is paying off
Do you have a specific motivation? to win every race and try and get
better each race.
What has been your biggest challenge in the sport? To overcome the pain when pushing the pace.
What do you hope to achieve in the future? To be the fastest in the state.
What do you hope to achieve the rest of the season and at State? To win all my races and have good times
Walk us through a race/event for you (from pre race until post race). before the race i warm up for a few minutes and i get really nervous and think about what need to do in the race. After the race I go and talk to my coach and dad about what i did good or bad.
What goes through your mind? What I need to do each lap and how to win the race.
Do you play other sports? How does track help you with other sports and vice versa? I play basketball and it helps me in both because it helps me be quicker.
How and when did you start training for track and field this season? I started running right after basketball ended in February.
What do you enjoy the most about your team? They are all fast and it gives me someone to run with.
What team goals does your team have? To win state.
What do you feel you have learned from your coaches, teammates and the sport? It takes guts to be a runner.
What would like to see happen in the future in the sport? I would like to be a D1 runner one day
If there is one thing in the world you could do, what would it be and why? I would like to watch the Olympics.