Some Great News From Milesplit.

Lets get right to some of the best news.

Okay Coaches Milesplit is now FREE for ONLINE Registration  That is right free so now if you want you can even put your dual meet between your cross town rivals online.

Even though the money from online registration is fairly large Milesplit and FloSports decided to look after the schools and coaches and make it cheaper and easier for you the consumers of Milesplit. To go with this a new "Wizard" is going up to help you with setting up your meet. 

Milesplit has a new Managing Editor,

As webmasters, we have all had those moments of dealing with, and overcoming incredible pressure. 

A vast majority of the time, we make it through with only a few bruises and occasionally, a good story to embellish as time passes.

But none of us have ever had the unenenviable; and in this case; distressing job of reporting the death of a beloved athlete during a competition.

It was 2007, and in one of his first jobs as web editor for NBC Sports, Joe "Batts" Battaglia was the sole editor at the Olympic Trials Marathon in New York City.

Olympic hopeful Ryan Shay had passed away while racing. 

As a consummate professional and with over 14 years of deadline-rich sports writing for the Newark Star-Ledger; Joe dove in and coordinated all NBC coverage of the tragedy for TV and for digital.

That night he was promoted to be the NBC Olympics web producer for Track & Field.

He had been named Sportswriter of the Year for the NJSIAA in 1999 - just six years after starting at the paper as a college freshman.

At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Joe was responsible for all Track & Field, marathon, and softball content for

Joe won his FIRST Emmy for the coverage.

That October, he became senior web producer of T&F, the marathon, and Alpine Skiing at Universal Sports. 

2010 saw him produce Alpine skiing for in Vancouver.

The next year he became managing editor of - a year he'll remember because he won the prestigious TAFWA Jesse Abramson Award - becoming the FIRST digital journalist to be so honored.

2012 saw a return to NBC to produce T&F for the London Olympics. 

It was time for a "break", during which he freelanced and wrote a book: USC: An Olympic Heritage 1904-2012.

He returned to NBC Olympics as a senior producer for alpine skiing for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. 

That coverage led to his SECOND Emmy.

In May of 2014, he interviewed for a "senior writer" position at FloTrack. He started on July 14th, and on the third day, he became the Director of Content. (We don't stand on formality, here).

Meet your new MileSplit Managing Editor, Joe Battagllia.