South Panola XC Invitational 2024

Batesville, MS

South Panola XC Invitational 2024 vs South Panola XC Classic 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -56 146 202
Overall Average -1:37.81 25:40.48 27:18.29
1st-10th Place -44.00 18:32.21 19:16.21
1st-25th Place -38.95 19:18.44 19:57.39
1st-50th Place -24.67 20:29.55 20:54.22
1st-100th Place +1.19 22:51.55 22:50.36
Common Athletes -- -- 35
Ran Faster 29 32 3
Ran Season Best 5 6 1
Average Time -2:35.83 27:26.72 30:02.55
Median Time -3:59.57 26:27.72 30:27.29
Middle 80% Times -2:39.00 27:37.37 30:16.37
Top 10% Times -1:13.88 19:45.03 20:58.91
Top 25% Times -1:32.37 21:10.94 22:43.31
Top 50% Times -1:52.67 23:15.75 25:08.42
Bottom 50% Times -3:10.33 30:06.20 33:16.53
Bottom 25% Times -3:16.98 34:44.70 38:01.68
Bottom 10% Times -4:10.05 35:41.26 39:51.32
Average Difference -2:35.83 -- --
Median Difference -5:02.68 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:33.83 -- --
Top 10% Difference -48.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:35.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:44.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:16.98 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -5:18.12 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Will Davis South Panola High School -1:47.43 17:47.66 19:35.09
Jordan Taylor South Panola High School -19.91 19:28.10 19:48.01
Kylan Sullivan South Panola High School -3:50.78 20:51.51 24:42.29
Archer Vick South Panola High School -2:49.90 20:52.84 23:42.74
Austin Eddie Independence High School -1:20.51 21:19.08 22:39.59
Maine Lund South Panola High School -1:04.62 21:19.36 22:23.98
Josh Blankenship Tate Titans -3.42 22:05.12 22:08.54
Christopher Ashworth Independence High School -1:52.34 23:26.49 25:18.83
Jalila Goins South Panola High School -2:00.76 23:28.30 25:29.06
Steve Thornton South Panola High School -2:00.58 23:52.00 25:52.58
Weston Pitts Tate Titans -1:11.41 24:04.65 25:16.06
Gabriella Russo South Panola High School +1:16.10 25:29.87 24:13.77
Jazmine Taylor South Panola High School +4.33 25:20.08 25:15.75
Tristan Davenport South Panola High School -1:58.12 25:15.96 27:14.08
Dashiell Ortwein Tate Titans -5:02.68 25:24.61 30:27.29
Tadryll Woodard South Panola High School -3:25.49 25:53.49 29:18.98
Colton Hubbard South Panola High School -6:36.25 26:16.68 32:52.93
Jayden Allred Independence High School -4:46.40 26:27.72 31:14.12
Alexander Hawkins Tate Titans -6:10.94 26:34.05 32:44.99
Robert Rooker Independence High School -4:24.08 26:42.58 31:06.66
Natalie Hawkins Tate Titans -3:06.23 28:29.87 31:36.10
Kolby Sullivan South Panola High School -2:29.63 28:35.58 31:05.21
Sofia Figueroa Independence High School -51.73 28:38.62 29:30.35
Amani Ford Tate Titans -3:54.44 28:42.12 32:36.56
Ian Gross Independence High School -19.03 29:15.63 29:34.66
A'miah Haynie South Panola High School -1:15.05 32:10.86 33:25.91
Daniella Najera Independence High School -27.60 33:21.53 33:49.13
Nekiaya Williams South Panola High School +1:07.80 34:36.33 33:28.53
Shelby Hamilton South Panola High School -3:25.33 33:48.81 37:14.14
Paris Smith South Panola High School -5:21.00 34:08.93 39:29.93
Erin Armstrong South Panola High School -5:20.10 34:17.84 39:37.94
Kimberly Morales Mendez Independence High School -6:24.96 34:20.14 40:45.10
Maci Pritchett Independence High School -4:11.63 35:06.85 39:18.48
McKenzie Smith South Panola High School -4:06.40 35:25.90 39:32.30
Irelynn Chambers Independence High School -1:23.56 37:35.98 38:59.54