Meet Information
This meet is open to all MAIS and Homeschool teams. Registration is $50 per varsity team and $25 for 5 or more runners in the open race with a $125 maximum per school or team. Boys and Girls are considered separate teams. Unattached runners will be $15 each. Any runner 13 years old or older must run in a 5K event.
The schedule will be:
Open 2-mile Division - 10:30 AM
White Division Varsity Girls 5K - 11:00 AM
White Division Varsity Boys 5K - 11:30 AM
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in all 3 races. A 1st place team trophy will be awarded for all 3 races. The event will be held at the City of Brandon Cross Country Course at the Quarry:
Fees are to be paid on race day at race packet pick up. There will be no race day registration and online registration will close approximately 1 week before the race.
Parking will be $5 so please advise your parents prior to arrival. Cash only for parking please.
If you need additional information, contact Dennis Jones at 601-589-0040 or