Region 4-3A 2008

Pass Christian, MS

Boys and Girls Results

Licensed to Pass Christian High School Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 4/30/2008 08:19 AM
                 MHSAA Region 7-8 3A - 4/14/2008 to 5/10/2008                  
                              Pass christian, MS                               
Girls 100 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brown, Laspencia           8 Wilkinson Co           11.84      12.90    10  
  2 Preston, Ileshia          10 Sumrall                13.00      13.41     8  
  3 Jones, Paige              10 Pass Christi           13.21      13.42     6  
  4 Hill, Tamika              12 Purvis                 13.20      13.43     5  
  5 Chandler, Debenique       12 Amite County           12.75      13.50     4  
  6 Earls, Shakeysha           8 Jefferson Co           13.30      13.70     3  
  7 Briggs, Vintrice           9 Franklin Co            13.24      13.71     2  
  8 Jefferson, Jasmine        10 Columbia Hig           13.30      13.90     1  
Girls 200 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jones, Paige              10 Pass Christi           27.20      26.30    10  
  2 Brown, Laspencia           8 Wilkinson Co           25.96      26.40     8  
  3 Davis, Amanda             12 Amite County           26.83      27.10     6  
  4 Hill, Tamika              12 Purvis                 28.00      27.40     5  
  5 Ausmer, Ahresha            8 Pass Christi           27.71      27.80     4  
  6 Briggs, Vintrice           9 Franklin Co            27.15      27.90     3  
  7 Taylor, Shontel            7 Columbia Hig           27.72      28.30     2  
  8 Ross, Veronica             7 Wilkinson Co           27.58      28.90     1  
Girls 400 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Reynolds, Janessa          9 Columbia Hig         1:02.60    1:02.20    10  
  2 Williams, Queonna         10 Wilkinson Co         1:02.88    1:03.60     8  
  3 Whalum, Audreanna          9 Columbia Hig         1:03.80    1:03.61     6  
  4 Robinson, Ashley          11 Wilkinson Co         1:03.40    1:04.80     5  
  5 Robinson, Sedna           11 Pass Christi         1:04.70    1:06.20     4  
  6 Meyers, Hope              10 Purvis               1:05.40    1:09.40     3  
  7 Cockerham, Briana          8 South Pike           1:05.20    1:15.30     2  
Girls 800 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mcgee, Cory               10 Pass Christi         2:28.50    2:26.10    10  
  2 Hagenson, Stacey          10 Purvis               2:34.30    2:32.00     8  
  3 Mcgee, Devin               7 Pass Christi         2:41.40    2:32.30     6  
  4 Knox, Paris                7 Wilkinson Co         2:45.34    2:45.50     5  
  5 Green, Charlene           11 South Pike           2:50.03    2:47.50     4  
  6 Meyers, Hope              10 Purvis               2:55.20    2:58.90     3  
  7 Jones, Catrice            11 Wilkinson Co         2:53.00    3:00.90     2  
  8 Agnor, Jessica             9 North Pike           2:50.00    3:04.50     1  
Girls 1600 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mcgee, Cory               10 Pass Christi         5:20.13    5:18.04    10  
  2 Hagenson, Stacey          10 Purvis               5:32.33    5:41.42     8  
  3 Mcgee, Devin               7 Pass Christi         5:39.88    5:41.85     6  
  4 Agnor, Jessica             9 North Pike           6:14.68    6:21.38     5  
  5 Causey, Chelsey           10 North Pike           6:27.40    6:32.37     4  
  6 Jones, Catrice            11 Wilkinson Co         6:28.62    6:49.53     3  
  7 Sherman, Faith            10 Wilkinson Co         6:25.46    7:25.58     2  
  8 Anderson, Kristen         10 Purvis               7:16.00    7:37.61     1  
Girls 3200 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mcgee, Cory               10 Pass Christi        12:35.86   11:02.19    10  
  2 Hagenson, Stacey          10 Purvis              12:38.57   12:52.04     8  
  3 Moran, Lacy                9 Pass Christi        12:50.39   14:14.23     6  
  4 Sherman, Faith            10 Wilkinson Co        14:47.50   14:21.76     5  
  5 Agnor, Jessica             9 North Pike          14:20.17   14:50.93     4  
  6 Graves, Ashley             7 Sumrall             15:49.00   17:39.93     3  
  7 Malone, Mekaza            11 Jefferson Co        17:43.96   17:41.65     2  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Foster, Tiara             12 Columbia Hig           17.20      17.50    10  
  2 Lee, Tyiesha              11 Wilkinson Co           17.33      18.00     8  
  3 Hall, Mykeal              11 Pass Christi           17.90      18.50     6  
  4 Williams, Shelby          10 Pass Christi           18.20      18.70     5  
  5 Nickelson, Preanna         8 Franklin Co            18.34      19.40     4  
  6 Marshall, Shanekqua        8 South Pike             18.22      19.50     3  
  7 Brashears, Susie           9 Amite County           18.63      23.00     2  
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Foster, Tiara             12 Columbia Hig           49.60      49.70    10  
  2 Brashears, Susie           9 Amite County           52.19      52.10     8  
  3 Mcarthur, Amber           10 Pass Christi           53.80      52.70     6  
  4 Alexander, Tammy           9 Franklin Co            52.68      53.30     5  
  5 Lee, Tyiesha              11 Wilkinson Co           51.48      54.90     4  
  6 Butler, Kaitlyn           11 Pass Christi           56.80      56.90     3  
  7 Harris, Tyiesha            9 Wilkinson Co           55.37      59.40     2  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Wilkinson County HS                                 51.48      52.10    10  
     1) Ross, Veronica 7                2) Brown, Laspencia 8             
     3) Forkner, Diamond 10             4) Williams, Queonna 10           
  2 Pass Christian HS                                   52.20      52.40     8  
     1) Mckay, Iesha 9                  2) Ausmer, Arriane 9              
     3) Freeman, Sarah 12               4) Hall, Mykeal 11                
  3 Amite County High School                            51.97      52.90     6  
     1) Davis, Amanda 12                2) Chandler, Debenique 12         
     3) Causey, Shameka 10              4) Thompson, Kiera 7              
  4 Greene County High School                           53.70      53.50     5  
     1) Blackston, Lashona 12           2) Lockhart, Enchante 9           
     3) Leverette, Symone 12            4) Franks, Kenya 11               
  5 Jefferson County HS                                 52.04      53.60     4  
     1) Wells, Erin 11                  2) Smith, Keiquane 9              
     3) Earls, Shakeysha 8              4) Mims, Taylor                   
  6 Columbia High School                                53.80      54.40     3  
     1) Whalum, Audreanna 9             2) Taylor, Shontel 7              
     3) Jefferson, Jasmine 10           4) Taylor, Mikell 11              
  7 South Pike High School                              52.69      54.70     2  
     1) Magee, Tramia 8                 2) Cockerham, Briana 8            
     3) Clark, Shonta 10                4) Eubanks, Valaria 11            
  8 Perry Central High School                           54.80      56.60     1  
     1) Gamble, Kj 10                   2) Johnson, Malaka 10             
     3) Bolton, Deanna 9                4)                                
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pass Christian HS                                 1:49.90    1:49.20    10  
     1) Ausmer, Ahresha 8               2) Ausmer, Arriane 9              
     3) Freeman, Sarah 12               4) Jones, Paige 10                
  2 Wilkinson County HS                               1:47.23    1:49.30     8  
     1) Ross, Veronica 7                2) Brown, Laspencia 8             
     3) Forkner, Diamond 10             4) Williams, Queonna 10           
  3 Columbia High School                              1:52.50    1:51.50     6  
     1) Foster, Tiara 12                2) Reynolds, Janessa 9            
     3) Jefferson, Jasmine 10           4) Taylor, Mikell 11              
  4 Jefferson County HS                               1:52.38    1:52.60     5  
     1) Wells, Erin 11                  2) Smith, Keiquane 9              
     3) Earls, Shakeysha 8              4) Mims, Taylor                   
  5 South Pike High School                            1:50.72    1:53.40     4  
     1) Cockerham, Briana 8             2) Eubanks, Valaria 11            
     3) Clark, Shonta 10                4) Magee, Tramia 8                
  6 Franklin County HS                                1:51.81    1:56.20     3  
     1) Alexander, Tammy 9              2) Briggs, Vintrice 9             
     3) Newman, Diamond 9               4) Shaw, Leondra 9                
  7 Perry Central High School                         2:01.70    1:59.70     2  
     1) Steele, Whitley 9               2) Gamble, Kj 10                  
     3) Johnson, Malaka 10              4) Bolton, Deanna 9               
  8 Greene County High School                         2:00.80    2:08.30     1  
     1) Hill, Gabrielle 10              2) Polk, Schahvetta 11            
     3) Loper, Sabrina 11               4) Blackston, Shonica 12          
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbia High School                              4:16.30    4:15.80    10  
     1) Whalum, Audreanna 9             2) Lewis, Nettie 9                
     3) Taylor, Mikell 11               4) Reynolds, Janessa 9            
  2 Pass Christian HS                                 4:23.09    4:17.60     8  
     1) Mcgee, Cory 10                  2) Hoang, Alex 9                  
     3) Robinson, Sedna 11              4) Mcarthur, Amber 10             
  3 Wilkinson County HS                               4:20.37    4:35.20     6  
     1) Robinson, Ashley 11             2) Sherman, Faith 10              
     3) Forkner, Diamond 10             4) Williams, Queonna 10           
  4 South Pike High School                            4:26.75    4:45.10     5  
     1) Cockerham, Briana 8             2) Clark, Shonta 10               
     3) Magee, Tramia 8                 4) Tolliver, Trenia               
  5 Amite County High School                          4:30.12    4:52.10     4  
     1) Causey, Della 9                 2) Rogers, Monique 8              
     3) Pool, Tydesheaia 8              4) Chandler, Cleosha 8            
  6 Franklin County HS                                4:56.61    5:20.50     3  
     1) Newman, Diamond 9               2) Shaw, Leondra 9                
     3) Alexander, Tammy 9              4) Briggs, Vintrice 9             
  7 Purvis High School                                5:24.00    5:21.50     2  
     1) Meyers, Holly 10                2) Bourne, Ashlyn 7               
     3) Christy, Eevee 7                4) Cook, Kayla 7                  
Girls High Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lewis, Nettie              9 Columbia Hig         4-10.00    5-00.00    10  
  2 Wells, Erin               11 Jefferson Co         4-08.00    4-10.00     7  
  2 Brashears, Susie           9 Amite County         4-10.00    4-10.00     7  
  4 Jones, Paige              10 Pass Christi         4-08.00    4-09.00     5  
  5 Harris, Tyiesha            9 Wilkinson Co         4-08.00    4-08.00     4  
  6 Pool, Tydesheaia           8 Amite County         4-06.00    4-06.00     3  
  7 Williams, Lauren           8 Pass Christi         4-08.00    4-04.00     2  
Girls Pole Vault 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hoang, Alex                9 Pass Christi         7-00.00    7-00.00    10  
  2 Miller, Amanda               Pass Christi         6-06.00    6-06.00     8  
Girls Long Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Wells, Erin               11 Jefferson Co        16-03.50   16-08.00    10  
  2 Forkner, Diamond          10 Wilkinson Co        15-08.00   16-07.00     8  
  3 Ausmer, Arriane            9 Pass Christi        15-11.50   16-02.00     6  
  4 Lewis, Nettie              9 Columbia Hig        15-11.75   15-06.00     5  
  5 Eubanks, Valaria          11 South Pike          14-10.00   15-05.00     4  
  6 Leverette, Symone         12 Greene Co.          14-07.50   14-09.75     3  
  7 Ausmer, Ahresha            8 Pass Christi        14-09.75   14-08.50     2  
Girls Triple Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Robinson, Sedna           11 Pass Christi        32-08.50   32-11.50    10  
  2 Lewis, Nettie              9 Columbia Hig        32-10.00   32-06.50     8  
  3 Freeman, Sarah            12 Pass Christi        32-07.00   32-05.00     6  
  4 Sherman, Faith            10 Wilkinson Co        32-06.00   30-11.00     5  
  5 Ayers, Jasmine            12 Wilkinson Co        27-08.00   27-04.00     4  
Girls Shot Put 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Slocum, Kampatrice        12 South Pike          44-02.00   40-06.50    10  
  2 Anthony, Latonia          12 Wilkinson Co        39-04.00   39-05.00     8  
  3 Dedeaux, Hillary          12 Pass Christi        36-03.00   34-11.50     6  
  4 Poole, Satin              12 Purvis              33-01.00   34-02.50     5  
  5 Sullivan, Makeria         11 Purvis              32-04.50   29-08.00     4  
  6 Poole, Biance             12 Wilkinson Co        30-00.00   27-11.75     3  
Girls Discus Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Anthony, Latonia          12 Wilkinson Co          103-04     105-08    10  
  2 Quin, Shirlandria         12 North Pike             95-10  101-04.50     8  
  3 Slocum, Kampatrice        12 South Pike             95-04      94-04     6  
  4 Williams, Simone          12 Pass Christi           74-02      86-08     5  
  5 Franks, Kenya             11 Greene Co.             78-08      85-11     4  
  6 Dedeaux, Rachel           11 Pass Christi           76-05      79-11     3  
  7 Smith, Kennishia          11 Tylertown              75-04   78-04.50     2  
  8 Jefferson, Jasmine        10 Columbia Hig           75-02   71-07.50     1  
Boys 100 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Guice, Antoine            12 Franklin Co            10.60      11.40    10  
  2 Griffin, Nick             10 Perry Cent.            11.30      11.41     8  
  3 Mcgee, Darryl             11 Jefferson Co           10.70      11.50     6  
  4 Ratliff, Jeremy           12 Tylertown              10.90      11.60     5  
  5 Badon, Jay                11 Purvis                 11.31      11.70     4  
  6 Martin, Jasper            11 South Pike             11.03      11.71     3  
  7 Bowser, Shane                Pass Christi           11.51      11.90     2  
  8 Johnson, Jerrion          11 Perry Cent.            11.50      11.91     1  
Boys 200 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Guice, Antoine            12 Franklin Co            21.17      22.60    10  
  2 Mcgee, Darryl             11 Jefferson Co           21.65      22.90     8  
  3 Robinson, Emileo          12 Amite County           22.21      23.00     6  
  4 Lee, Quantarious          11 Wilkinson Co           22.84      23.60     5  
  5 Wells, Ladarius           10 Perry Cent.            24.20      24.10     4  
  6 Taylor, Corben            10 Purvis                 23.90      24.30     3  
  7 Walley, Jonathan          10 Greene Co.             24.40      25.50     2  
Boys 400 Meter Dash 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Guice, Antoine            12 Franklin Co            49.62      50.10    10  
  2 Lee, Quantarious          11 Wilkinson Co           50.37      51.50     8  
  3 Jefferson, Cladarrius     12 Tylertown              51.31      51.80     6  
  4 Cain, Dameon               9 Amite County           52.42      53.80     5  
  5 Pace, Zaveon              11 Columbia Hig           54.40      55.40     4  
  6 Lizana, Christian         10 Pass Christi           55.50      55.90     3  
  7 Wells, Ladarius           10 Perry Cent.            57.10      58.20     2  
  8 Corey, Cord               12 Greene Co.             55.80    1:04.20     1  
Boys 800 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dillon, Dewayne            9 Tylertown            2:08.94    2:12.80    10  
  2 Bates, Kent               10 Amite County         2:13.82    2:18.00     8  
  3 Hampton, Willard           9 South Pike           2:13.98    2:19.60     6  
  4 Mcnair, Stephanio          9 Purvis               2:24.90    2:21.70     5  
  5 Malone, Ryan               9 Columbia Hig         2:23.40    2:23.40     4  
  6 Breakfield, Daniel         9 Purvis               2:30.20    2:28.40     3  
  7 Stephens, Jonathan        11 Pass Christi         2:25.00    2:28.90     2  
Boys 1600 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bates, Kent               10 Amite County         5:04.69    5:07.20    10  
  2 Allen, Michael            12 Franklin Co          5:04.25    5:10.30     8  
  3 Hagenson, Ryan            12 Purvis               5:01.83    5:15.20     6  
  4 Davis, Malcom             11 Tylertown            5:07.56    5:19.90     5  
  5 Davidson, Austin          11 Greene Co.           5:27.17    5:29.30     4  
  6 Allen, Sargent            12 Wilkinson Co         5:09.95    5:32.10     3  
  7 Hill, Justin              10 Perry Cent.          5:25.96    5:51.50     2  
  8 Riley, Mark               11 Columbia Hig         5:34.56    5:55.20     1  
Boys 3200 Meter Run 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hagenson, Ryan            12 Purvis              11:16.34   11:23.95    10  
  2 May, Cedric                9 Tylertown           11:26.38   11:34.68     8  
  3 Hill, Justin              10 Perry Cent.         12:27.70   11:38.55     6  
  4 Dickens, Kelvin            9 Amite County        11:28.81   12:06.48     5  
  5 Allen, Sargent            12 Wilkinson Co        11:24.16   12:16.46     4  
  6 Stephens, Jonathan        11 Pass Christi        12:42.24   13:27.94     3  
  7 Hartfield, Brian          10 Sumrall             13:09.00   14:02.12     2  
  8 Ross, Delane              11 Wilkinson Co        11:26.07   14:05.66     1  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Carl             11 Franklin Co            15.25      15.70    10  
  2 Young, Terasmine          12 Tylertown              14.65      15.71     8  
  3 Carter, Donald            10 Wilkinson Co           16.20      16.20     6  
  4 Expose, Denzel            10 Columbia Hig           16.40      16.30     5  
  5 Hart, Byron               12 Tylertown              16.25      16.50     4  
  6 Wise, Gene                12 Pass Christi           19.00      19.00     3  
  7 Townsend, Warren           9 Pass Christi           19.80      19.40     2  
  8 Riley, Sidney             11 Columbia Hig           17.10      20.60     1  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Carl             11 Franklin Co            40.50      42.20    10  
  2 Busby, Ross               11 North Pike             41.94      42.80     8  
  3 Hart, Byron               12 Tylertown              41.74      44.30     6  
  4 Queen, Corey                 Jefferson Co           42.40      45.40     5  
  5 Washington, Alvin         10 Perry Cent.            46.10      47.20     4  
  6 Dedeaux, Marcus            9 Pass Christi           46.30      48.20     3  
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jefferson County HS                                 42.58      43.71    10  
     1) Tenner, Kawski 9                2) Ellis, Edward 12               
     3) Collins, Jeffery 11             4) Mcgee, Darryl 11               
  2 Tylertown High School                               43.28      43.85     8  
     1) Ratliff, Jeremy 12              2) Stewart, Darein 12             
     3) Robertson, Lterrio 9            4) Brown, Ken 10                  
  3 Perry Central High School                           44.30      44.04     6  
     1) Bolton, Dontray 11              2) Jones, Xavier 11               
     3) Johnson, Jerrion 11             4) Griffin, Nick 10               
  4 Amite County High School                            44.12      45.77     5  
     1) Causey, Kendrick 12             2) Winding, Jeremy 10             
     3) Williams, Tremonte 11           4) Robinson, Emileo 12            
  5 Greene County High School                           46.40      45.78     4  
     1) Brown, Mitchell 10              2) Corey, Cord 12                 
     3) Walley, Jonathan 10             4)                                
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jefferson County HS                               1:29.39    1:32.10    10  
     1) Ellis, Edward 12                2) Cruel, Emmanuel 11             
     3) Collins, Jeffery 11             4) Mcgee, Darryl 11               
  2 Wilkinson County HS                               1:32.62    1:32.30     8  
     1) Fosselman, Delvin 9             2) Anthony, Corey 12              
     3) Harton, Brandon 9               4) Lee, Quantarious 11            
  3 Amite County High School                          1:32.19    1:33.40     6  
     1) Causey, Kendrick 12             2) Winding, Jeremy 10             
     3) Williams, Tremonte 11           4) Robinson, Emileo 12            
  4 Columbia High School                              1:32.90    1:33.41     5  
     1) King, Traeshun 11               2) Expose, Denzel 10              
     3) Peters, Jaquaa 10               4) Adams, Dangelo 11              
  5 Franklin County HS                                1:32.98    1:35.60     4  
     1) Griffin, Milton 8               2) Burnett, Damien 10             
     3) Brooks, Steven 12               4) Johnson, Carl 11               
  6 Purvis High School                                1:36.10    1:36.90     3  
     1) Taylor, Corben 10               2) Badon, Jay 11                  
     3) Ford, Jason 11                  4) Nash, Raheem 10                
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3A
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Tylertown High School                             3:29.42    3:33.50    10  
     1) Jefferson, Cladarrius 12        2) Armstrong, Greg 12             
     3) Stewart, Darein 12              4) Jenkens, Terrance 11           
  2 Franklin County HS                                3:38.10    3:36.70     8  
     1) Brooks, Steven 12               2) Guice, Antoine 12              
     3) Burnett, Damien 10              4) Allen, Michael 12              
  3 Amite County High School                          3:33.47    3:36.80     6  
     1) Causey, Kendrick 12             2) Hall, Keith 12                 
     3) Winding, Jeremy 10              4) Cain, Dameon 9                 
  4 Wilkinson County HS                               3:39.69    3:37.90     5  
     1) Anthony, Corey 12               2) Packnett, Warren 10            
     3) Knox, Darrius 12                4) Lee, Quantarious 11            
  5 Pass Christian HS                                 3:49.98    3:49.20     4  
     1) Dedeaux, Marcus 9               2) Hoang, Andrew 10               
     3) Lizana, Christian 10            4) Steele, Brandon 10             
  6 Purvis High School                                3:51.53    4:01.00     3  
     1) Silvia, Steven 12               2) Ford, Jason 11                 
     3) Mcnair, Stephanio 9             4) Hagenson, Ryan 12              
Boys High Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Collins, Jamie            11 Franklin Co          6-00.00    6-02.00    10  
  2 Peters, Jaquaa            10 Columbia Hig         5-10.00    6-00.25     7  
  2 Griffin, Milton            8 Franklin Co          6-02.00    6-00.25     7  
  4 Hall, Keith               12 Amite County         6-00.00    6-00.00     5  
  5 Wilson, Henry             12 North Pike           6-00.00    5-10.00     4  
Boys Pole Vault 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Burnett, Damien           10 Franklin Co          9-06.00   10-00.00    10  
  2 Quinn, Brandon            12 Tylertown            9-00.00    9-06.00     8  
  3 Brown, Cody               10 Pass Christi         9-06.00    9-00.00     6  
Boys Long Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Burnett, Damien           10 Franklin Co         21-07.00   22-02.50    10  
  2 Peters, Jaquaa            10 Columbia Hig        20-07.50   21-05.00     8  
  3 Griffin, Nick             10 Perry Cent.         20-08.00   21-01.50     6  
  4 Woodson, Scottie          11 Columbia Hig        21-04.00   20-11.00     5  
  5 Ratliff, Jeremy           12 Tylertown           21-08.00   20-08.75     4  
  6 Hart, Byron               12 Tylertown           20-08.00   20-05.00     3  
  7 Ellis, Edward             12 Jefferson Co        20-08.50   19-10.00     2  
Boys Triple Jump 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hart, Byron               12 Tylertown           43-00.50   43-07.25    10  
  2 Brooks, Steven            12 Franklin Co         41-05.50   43-06.00     8  
  3 Ratliff, Jeremy           12 Tylertown           44-04.00   43-02.50     6  
  4 Moore, Phillipe           11 Pass Christi        41-03.00   42-10.00     5  
  5 Hall, Keith               12 Amite County        41-02.00   40-04.00     4  
  6 Jones, Xavier             11 Perry Cent.         40-05.25   39-06.00     3  
  7 Mclaurin, Terrance        11 Pass Christi        38-11.00   38-02.00     2  
Boys Shot Put 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Collins, Jamie            11 Franklin Co         46-04.50   48-03.75    10  
  2 Brown, James              12 Amite County        50-08.50   46-07.00     8  
  3 Richard, Mario            12 South Pike          42-03.00   42-00.50     6  
  4 Causey, Kendrick          12 Amite County        42-08.00   40-09.75     5  
  5 Jordan, Xavier               Perry Cent.         40-05.50   39-06.00     4  
  6 Travis, Bj                10 Purvis              38-10.00   38-11.75     3  
  7 King, Traeshun            11 Columbia Hig        41-07.00   38-06.00     2  
  8 Baker, Tim                11 Columbia Hig        40-08.50   38-02.00     1  
Boys Discus Throw 3A
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Collins, Jamie            11 Franklin Co           136-08  139-00.50    10  
  2 Conerly, Chesterfield     12 Columbia Hig          123-07     125-10     8  
  3 Brown, James              12 Amite County          112-03  125-04.50     6  
  4 Harris, Dj                11 Sumrall               122-02     120-09     5  
  5 Jordan, Xavier               Perry Cent.           111-01  112-10.25     4  
  6 Thompson, Brandon         11 Tylertown             109-04     111-06     3  
  7 Carridine, Charles        12 Franklin Co           103-06   99-01.50     2