Kirk Academy Cross Country Invitational 2019

Grenada, MS
Hosted by Kirk Academy
Timing/Results Pirate Timing

JH Mixed 2 Mile Run

 Pirate Timing LLC - Contractor License                     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                  2018 Kirk Academy XC Invitational - 10/8/2018                  
                             Emmanuel Baptist Church                             
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Mixed 2 Mile Run CC Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
Results - Women 2Mile Mile Run                                                   
  1 Poole, Lawton             W7 Washington School     13:29.97    1             
  2 McIntyre, Sydney          W7 Bayou Academy         13:58.41    2             
  3 Hitt, Elly                W9 Washington School     14:40.56    3             
  4 Thornton, Rachel          W7 Bayou Academy         14:48.83    4             
  5 Lott, Libba               W7 Bayou Academy         14:59.10    5             
  6 Pillow, Leah              W6 Pillow Academy        15:01.97    6             
  7 Fiorenelli, Mary Michael  W9 Bayou Academy         15:12.10    7             
  8 Mancini, Marleigh         W9 Bayou Academy         15:16.08    8             
  9 Cosue, Ava                W7 Bayou Academy         15:22.78    9             
 10 Walker, Emelie            W6 Washington School     15:38.06   10             
 11 DuBard, Sully             W6 Pillow Academy        16:20.65   11             
 12 Beck, Sarah Grace         W7 Bayou Academy         16:35.30   12             
 13 Hamrick, Anna Flowers     W7 Pillow Academy        16:37.00   13             
 14 Clark, Kylie              W7 Pillow Academy        16:48.30   14             
 15 Blackstone, Molley        W6 Pillow Academy        16:51.66   15             
 16 McGlawn, Anna Rivers      W6 Pillow Academy        16:51.98   16             
 17 Bennett, Allie            W6 Washington School     17:03.78   17             
 18 Blaylock, Ava             W6 Washington School     17:04.34   18             
 19 Hays, Sophie              W6 Indianola Academy     17:15.16   19             
 20 Joiner, Camryn            W6 Pillow Academy        17:24.06   20             
 21 Zuniga, Kayla             W7 Pillow Academy        17:58.19                  
 22 Wallace, Ella             W7 Pillow Academy        18:10.35                  
 23 Wade, Eva                 W9 Washington School     18:17.28   21             
 24 Pantin, Lucy              W8 Pillow Academy        18:18.74                  
 25 Paul, Lauren              W7 Tupelo Spartans       18:23.04                  
 26 Donahue, Hasie Ruth       W6 Indianola Academy     18:24.41   22             
 27 Murrell, Keeton           W8 Washington School     18:33.27   23             
 28 Rives, Madeline           W6 Indianola Academy     18:38.20   24             
 29 Van, Amy                  W6 Indianola Academy     18:42.14   25             
 30 Brock, Olivia Gale        W7 Pillow Academy        19:07.08                  
 31 Blaylock, Emma            W6 Washington School     20:05.73                  
 32 Nunnery, Elizabeth        W6 Washington School     20:15.99                  
 33 Elliot, Mikayla           W8 Pillow Academy        20:34.22                  
 34 Edwards, Sara Peyton      W8 Bayou Academy         20:59.62                  
 35 Mohamed, Ann Gerard       W8 Pillow Academy        21:15.37                  
 36 Lovelady, Cate            W7 Pillow Academy        21:19.03                  
 37 Smith, Perri              W6 Washington School     21:20.09                  
 38 Parkinson, Tullis         W6 Washington School     21:22.72                  
 39 Flowers, Anderson        W12 Lee Academy-MS        21:46.28                  
 40 Smith, Sarah Kathryn      W6 Pillow Academy        22:13.96                  
 41 Chism, Kathryn            W6 Indianola Academy     22:21.57   26             
 42 Ainsworth, Emma Kate      W6 Pillow Academy        22:25.27                  
 43 Austin, Graycen           W6 Pillow Academy        22:28.24                  
 44 Smith, Jae-Jae            W8 Washington School     22:32.66                  
 45 McCaleb, Jaylin           W6 Pillow Academy        22:51.64                  
 46 Shake, Jamie Elise        W6 Pillow Academy        22:57.01                  
 47 Wilkerson, Skylar         W6 Washington School     25:07.61                  
Results - Men 2Mile Mile Run                                                     
  1 Hardin, Owen              M9 Washington School     13:07.14    1             
  2 Allen, Carson             M8 Bayou Academy         13:27.35                  
  3 Doolittle, Prentiss       M7 Washington School     13:42.94    2             
  4 Bennett, JD               M7 Washington School     13:45.10    3             
  5 Wessel, Patrick           M8 Bayou Academy         13:59.75                  
  6 Hendon, Trace             M8 Bayou Academy         14:08.83                  
  7 Lott, Josh                M8 Bayou Academy         14:11.35                  
  8 Stewart, Lane             M7 Bruce High School     14:13.25                  
  9 Howard, Strain            M6 Pillow Academy        14:44.96    4             
 10 Stokes, Sheldon           M9 North Delta School    14:52.14                  
 11 Washington, Hayden        M7 Washington School     15:11.55    5             
 12 Burleson, Sam             M7 Tupelo Spartans       15:27.60                  
 13 Hardin, Evan              M6 Washington School     15:28.05    6             
 14 Hentz, Clayton            M7 North Delta School    15:28.52                  
 15 Poole, Dallas             M7 Washington School     15:35.93    7             
 16 Baird, William            M6 Indianola Academy     15:37.28                  
 17 Brown, Hayes              M6 Pillow Academy        16:08.54    8             
 18 Harrell, Trace            M6 Pillow Academy        16:13.24    9             
 19 Howard, Graham            M6 Pillow Academy        16:18.67   10             
 20 Hardin, Silas             M7 Bruce High School     16:19.24                  
 21 Hodges, Owen              M7 Pillow Academy        16:39.22   11             
 22 Barry, Hunter             M7 Pillow Academy        16:43.56   12             
 23 Edwards, Mac              M8 Regents Of Oxford     16:46.94                  
 24 Paul, Zach                M7 Regents Of Oxford     16:47.51                  
 25 Gary, Matthew             M6 Indianola Academy     16:59.11                  
 26 Snell, Barrett            M6 Indianola Academy     17:01.45                  
 27 Cole, Peyton              M7 Bruce High School     17:55.01                  
 28 McQeen, Walker            M7 Pillow Academy        18:07.23   13             
 29 Wood, Jude                M8 Regents Of Oxford     18:15.84                  
 30 Fleming, Mize             M8 Pillow Academy        19:23.61                  
 31 Mills, William            M6 Pillow Academy        19:27.72                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results - Men 2Mile Mile Run                                                     
   1 Washington School            17    1    2    3    5    6    7               
      Total Time:  1:11:14.78                                                    
         Average:    14:14.96                                                    
   2 Pillow Academy               42    4    8    9   10   11   12   13          
      Total Time:  1:20:04.63                                                    
         Average:    16:00.93                                                    
Results - Women 2Mile Mile Run                                                   
   1 Bayou Academy                26    2    4    5    7    8    9   12          
      Total Time:  1:14:14.52                                                    
         Average:    14:50.91                                                    
   2 Washington School            49    1    3   10   17   18   21   23          
      Total Time:  1:17:56.71                                                    
         Average:    15:35.35                                                    
   3 Pillow Academy               59    6   11   13   14   15   16   20          
      Total Time:  1:21:39.58                                                    
         Average:    16:19.92                                                    
   4 Indianola Academy           116   19   22   24   25   26                    
      Total Time:  1:35:21.48                                                    
         Average:    19:04.30