Southern Mississippi Invitational 2013

Hattiesburg, MS

Southern Mississippi Invitational 2013 vs Southern Miss High School Invitational 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -207 134 341
Overall Average +17.92 24:11.35 23:53.43
1st-10th Place +21.61 18:14.28 17:52.67
1st-25th Place +41.77 19:06.57 18:24.80
1st-50th Place +1:12.23 20:08.51 18:56.29
1st-100th Place +2:23.11 22:06.17 19:43.07
Common Athletes -- -- 14
Ran Faster 6 10 4
Ran Season Best -13 1 14
Average Time -1:25.18 22:23.83 23:49.01
Median Time -1:04.44 22:36.39 23:40.83
Middle 80% Times -1:16.42 23:05.45 24:21.88
Top 10% Times -2:17.72 18:14.10 20:31.81
Top 25% Times -2:22.88 19:00.58 21:23.46
Top 50% Times -2:04.98 20:08.75 22:13.73
Bottom 50% Times -45.38 24:38.91 25:24.29
Bottom 25% Times -46.46 25:37.03 26:23.49
Bottom 10% Times -1:22.77 26:13.60 27:36.37
Average Difference -1:25.18 -- --
Median Difference +2:44.85 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:16.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference -2:20.01 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:53.49 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:23.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:53.49 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -56.87 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:24.28 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -37.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
William Murphey Oak Grove High School -1:16.33 17:41.67 18:58.00
Eric Million Saint Patrick Catholic High School -3:23.68 18:46.52 22:10.20
David Whitten Brandon High School -4:05.81 19:35.02 23:40.83
Alec Poole Brandon High School -3:13.16 19:59.12 23:12.28
Connor Altman Brandon High School -4:07.25 21:19.89 25:27.14
Conner Booth Saint Patrick Catholic High School -4:14.59 21:40.51 25:55.10
Tavaris Dampeer Wingfield High School -1:11.56 21:58.52 23:10.08
Robert Rusch Saint Patrick Catholic High School +2:44.85 24:50.47 22:05.62
Conner Jordan Oak Grove High School +16.38 22:36.39 22:20.01
Chauntez Buckner Wingfield High School -20.27 23:19.63 23:39.90
Trevor Cohn Brandon High School -45.83 24:08.26 24:54.09
Kyle Stevens Brandon High School +1:00.04 25:10.45 24:10.41
Curt Daley Brandon High School +2:09.30 26:34.15 24:24.85
Nathan Spiers Oak Grove High School -3:24.59 25:53.05 29:17.64