Meet Information
UPDATE: - Coaches meeting at 9, start at 9:30.
2 runners per event only, one relay team per school. You may have unattached runners in the 3200 and 1600. They will not receive a time.
Registration help -
Email Price Chadwick at if you have any questions.
$100 total per school (boys and girls team together)
Checks accepted on race day at coaches meeting
Meet will start at 9:30 with coaches meeting at 9:00.
Dates and times subject to change at this point since the 2012 track calendar was not up when I picked this date.
This meet is during public school testing. It's the only week in March that worked with everyone's spring break.
2 runners per event only, one relay team per school. You may have unattached runners in the 3200 and 1600. They will not receive a time.
Registration help -
Email Price Chadwick at if you have any questions.
$100 total per school (boys and girls team together)
Checks accepted on race day at coaches meeting
Meet will start at 9:30 with coaches meeting at 9:00.
Dates and times subject to change at this point since the 2012 track calendar was not up when I picked this date.
This meet is during public school testing. It's the only week in March that worked with everyone's spring break.