Mississippi Homeschool Become Affiliates of MHSAA

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The Mississippi Homeschool Association (MSHSA) has recently been granted a license by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), marking a new chapter in the state's high school athletics landscape. This affiliation will allow homeschool athletes to compete alongside Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA) schools in regular season races.

The decision by the NFHS to approve the MSHSA's application means that Mississippi's homeschool athletes will now have the opportunity to showcase their talent at premier regular-season events, including renowned meets such as Saltillo, Watson, Ocean Springs, and many others.

MSHSA athletes, who previously competed in a separate homeschool division at Cross Country meets, will now have the opportunity to measure their talent against a broader array of competitors. This landmark decision will not only enrich the competitive experience for MSHSA athletes, but also elevate the level of competition statewide.

While homeschool athletes will now compete in the regular season races, the MSHSA will continue to run its own state meet, ensuring that its athletes continue to have a dedicated platform to showcase their abilities.

MSHSA's approval marks a new era in Mississippi's high school athletics, eliminating the need for separate homeschool divisions at cross country meets. This historic decision promises to bring a renewed sense of camaraderie, competition, and excellence to the sport in the Magnolia State.