Pontotoc's Cooper Parmer after Winning the 2021 MHSAA 4A Cross Country Title, and the impact Coach Bain has made on him.
"A good coach can change a game... but a great coach can change a life."
That was what was said on the sign that was given to Pontotoc High School's Head Cross Country Coach Mike Bain, as he just got done coaching his last ever cross country meet. The sign was given to him by some of his many friends and coaching colleagues to show their appreciation of what he has done for the sport.
In 46 years of coaching, Bain has helped the school to 50 MHSAA State Championships, along with coaching numerous Individual State Champions and runners who went on to compete in college. He has put his heart and soul into the program ever since his arrival in 1976, and then started the school's cross country program 2 years later in 1978. He also started the school's girl's soccer and softball programs.
Although I had never spoken with Bain at the time, I could see the effect he has had on not only the Pontotoc community, but on the running community as a whole, whenever his name was called to give recognition as some of his past coaching colleagues, now MHSAA officials, came forward to express their gratitude. And what better way to do it than to describe Coach Bain in that singular quote that fits him so well.
In 46 years, Coach Mike Bain definitely changed the game in Pontotoc, MS, but also changed the lives of many young men and women through his mentorship at Pontotoc High School.
The MileSplit Mississippi Track and Field/Cross Country community appreciates everything that Coach Bain has done for the sport!!
Cooper Parmer and Mike Bain posing with the sign that Bain received from the MHSAA