Miss. Has A Busy Wednesday On Tap For Track Fans

Start Boys Junior High 4X800 at Madison Ridgeland


The big meets on the MAIS calendar for today are Presbyterian Christian in Hattiesburg and Jackson Academy in Jackson. The JA meet has 13 teams and over 900 entries while PCS has 19 teams and over 800 entries. Just a not entries are not the number of athletes it is the number of events entered. Many athletes will be running multiple events.

PCS's new track will get a true baptism with events all over the track.

MHSAA has a total of eight different division meets being hosted at four different locations. The athletes have to qualify in the top four positions to move on to the Regional Meet. The division 8-6A at Gulfport High will be a great meet to watch with Gulfport, Hancock, Harrison Central, and West Harrison High battling for bragging rights as Division Champion.

It will be a busy day with meets all over the state of Mississippi.

Tomorrow will be even busier for MHSAA with 10 locations and a total of 17 Division Crowns on the line.