Meet Information
Cost for entry is $125.
No Fee for Spectators.
Concessions will be open.
Bathrooms by concessions.
No athletes in the stands; bring a tent.
Coaches will be expected to help with events. Since this is during the school day, I will not have my normal help to run this meet. Timing is by Pirate Timing.
Coaches Meeting at 1030 at the blue track shed.
Field Events start at 11 AM
4x800 starts at 12:30
3200 starts at 1:15 for 2A
All running events start at 2:00 (earlier with all coaches in agreement)
Done by 6PM
No Fee for Spectators.
Concessions will be open.
Bathrooms by concessions.
No athletes in the stands; bring a tent.
Coaches will be expected to help with events. Since this is during the school day, I will not have my normal help to run this meet. Timing is by Pirate Timing.
Coaches Meeting at 1030 at the blue track shed.
Field Events start at 11 AM
4x800 starts at 12:30
3200 starts at 1:15 for 2A
All running events start at 2:00 (earlier with all coaches in agreement)
Done by 6PM