Meet Information
2024 Division 8-2A Championships
Columbia High School Walter Payton Field
Tuesday April 9, 2024
Participating Schools: Collins, Mize, North Forrest, Richton
Earnestine Dillon - Division Meet Director: 601-810-4562
Entry Fee: $300.00 per school or $150 per team
Payable to: Columbia School District (track fee)
12:00 pm Coaches Meeting
1:00 pm Field Events
Boys Long Jump - 1A followed by 2A (Pit 2) followed by 1A triple jump followed by 2A
Girls Long Jump - 2A followed by 1A (Pit 1) followed by 2A Triple Jump followed by 1A
Shot Put - 2A Boys followed by 1A Boys followed by 2A Girls followed by A1 Girls
High Jump - 1A Girls followed by 2A Girls followed by 1A Boys followed by 2A Boys
Discus - 1A Girls followed by 2A Girls followed by 1A Boys followed by 2A Boys
Pole Vault - 2A Girls followed by 1A Girls followed by 2A Boys followed by 1A Boys
1:30 pm - 4 x 800 Meter Relay
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Rolling schedule at the conclusion of the field events
100/110 Meter Hurdles
100 Meter Dash
4 x 200 Meter Relay
1600 Meter Run
4 x 100 Meter Relay
400 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
Girls 3200 meter Run
4 x 400 Meter Relay
Important Notes: Admission $7.00 All tickets will be sold through GoFan or $10 at the gate
Entries for district must be made on the website. Schools that do not meet the April 6, 2024 registration deadline will be fined $100.00. Four participants from each event will qualify for the super regional meet.
Additional Info:
Coaches should be sure as they are entering their athletes and relays that they are entered into the CORRECT Division Meet and the CORRECT Class/Event!!!Long Jump/Triple Jump/Shot/Discus: Each competitor shall receive 3 preliminary trials with the competitors qualifying for the finals receiving 3 additional trails. The number of competitors to qualify for the finals shall be one more than the number of scoring places, i.e. if 6 places score, there will be 7 finalists. In the finals the order of competition shall be in the reverse order of the best performance in the preliminaries, so that the best qualifier will compete last. For Further Info Contact:
Registration help: