MHSAA Region 3-1A 2024

Pontotoc, MS

Meet Information


Top Four participants from each event will qualify for (next?) meet.

Long Jump/Triple Jump/Shot/Discus: Each competitor shall receive 3 preliminary trials with the competitors qualifying for the finals receiving 3 additional trails. The number of competitors to qualify for the finals shall be one more than the number of scoring places, i.e. if 6 places score, there will be 7 finalists. In the finals the order of competition shall be in the reverse order of the best performance in the preliminaries, so that the best qualifier will compete last.For Further Info Contact:

Additional Info:

Coaches should be sure as they are entering their athletes and relays that they are entered into the CORRECT Division Meet and the CORRECT Class/Event!!!

Registration help:

3-1A SCHOOLS ONLY:  Blue Mountain, Coffeeville, Coldwater, Hickory Flat, Potts Camp, Strayhorn

Password protected for entry.  Please contact Brian Morgan for password at

Entry deadline:  April 10 @ 1:00pm

$300 entry fee per school.  Make checks to "Pontotoc High School Track"

FRIDAY APRIL 12:  Coaches meeting 9:30

Field events and 4x800 relays begin at 10:00am.  Boys 3200m will follow 4x800.  Girls 4x800 will follow 200m races. Gates open at 8:30am