Meet Information
Start Time - Coaches meeting will be at 3:30 pm. Field events will begin promptly at 4:00 pm. 4x800 relay will begin at 4:10 with 3200 meter run following relays. 8th/9th girls will run together as well as 8th/9th boys in both of these events. Hurdle races will start at 5:30 pm.
Entry Fee - $100 per division.Bring Payment on Meet Day at the Coaches Meeting. Make checks payable to GHS ATHLETICS
Entry Method - Online at MileSplit. NO ADDITIONS ON THE DAY OF THE MEET!!!
Heats - First Heat will be the fastest.
Admission - $5 Admission for Spectators
Entries - 3 Entries in all Individual Events. 1 Entry in Relays.
Jumps/Throws - 4 Jumps/Throws in Field Events