Meet Information
$50 per boys team
$50 per girls team
The meet will begin at 3:00 P.M with a coaches meeting at 2:30 P. M.. The following is the event schedule.
Head Coach's meeting at 2:30
Field Events:
3:00: 3:15:
Girls Pole Vault/Boys Pole Vault 4x800
Boys Discus/Girls Discus 3200m
Girls Shot Put/Boys Shot
Boys Long Jump then Boys Triple Jump
Girls Long Jump then Girls Triple Jump
Girls High Jump then Boys High Jump
Running Event: Start time will be at 4:00 or when we finish the field events.
Girls 100H
Boys 110H
100m Girls/Boys
4x200m Girls/Boys
1600m Girls/Boys
4x100m Girls/Boys
400m Girls/Boys
Girls 300H
Boys 300H
800m Girls/Boys
200m Girls/Boys
4x400m Girls/Boys