Meet Information
E-mail for password or call/text Kandy Stringer at 601-594-4994.
Deadline for entries will be Saturday, March 6th by 10:00 P.M.
Entry fee will be $50 per gender and grade. $100 for 8 G/B, $100 for 9 G/B Max. $200
You may enter as many as 4 in the running events and field events, and 2 relay teams. 4 events per athlete still applies.
Coaches meeting will be held at 3:45 with field events starting at 4:00.
4 X 800 Relays will start at 4:00 with 3200 M after completion of relays.
We will start all other running events at 5:00 PM or earlier if coaches agree.
Long Jump Pit 1---------------Girls/Boys. (By Pole Vault)
Triple Jump Pit 1--------------Girls/Boys ----After Completion of Long Jump
Shot Put-----------------------------8/9 Girls---8/9 Boys
Discus---------------------------------8/9 Boys--8/9 Girls
Pole Vault---------------------------8/9 Girls/8/9 Boys