Meet Information
This Meet is for Catholic Schools only. It is a day of competition in addition to a day of shared Faith and community.
3 ENTRIES PER EVENT! All can score
.Registration help:
$75 per co-ed school, $40 for single gender schools
Payments Payments accepted day of meet, make checks out to Saint Stanislaus College
Notable Rules and Facility Information
1. Facility: 6 lane rubber track wear 1/8" or 3/16" Spikes ONLY
Rubber runways wear1/8" or 3/16"Spikes ONLY
Shotput, Discus thrown off concrete
2. Scoring: Individual: 10-8-6-4-2-1 Relays: 10-8-6-4-2-1
3. Track Events: Heats Against Time
4.Entries:3 entries inindividual events, 1 relay per division in relay events
5.Attempts:Athletes in all horizontal jumps andthrows will have 4 attempts
6.Call System:Three Calls will be made over the PA system.Athletes should check in with the Clerk of Course at first call orsecond call.Athletes will need to beseated on the benches at the Clerk of Course tent at third call so they can beplaced in lanes and escorted to the start line.An athlete not on the start line when the starter is ready will bescratched.
7.Schedule ofEvents
11:30 Coaches' Meeting in Press Box
11:30 First Call for Field Events
12:00 Field Events Begin
High Jump - girls followed by boys
Pole Vault - girls followed by boys
Shot Put - boys followed by girls
Discus - girls followed by boys
Triple Jump - girls followed by boys
Long Jump - at the completion of Triple Jump - girlsfollowed by boys
Running Events - All running events will proceed as follows:Girls heats followed by Boys heats.At this point on, calls will be made by eventonly. . . not gender specific.
12:00 First Call for 3200M Relay
12:30 3200M Relay ANDFirst Call for Running Events
1:00 Running Events Begin |
100/110 Hurdles
100 Meter Dash
800 Meter Relay (4*2)
1600 Meter Run
400 Meter Relay (4*1)
800 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
3200 Meter Run
1600 Meter Relay (4*4)
***This is a rolling schedule, events may be a few minutes ahead or behind. Athletes are encouraged to pay attention to the calls and be at their event at the appropriate time. Any athlete who has not reported by the time the event starts may be scratched per the Clerk of Course and/or Meet Director.