Mississippi High Girls Results from Garmin RunningLane XC


(Shots Taken by Bobby Reyes and Evan Del Rio)

Leah Collipp (452) at the halfway mark 

Lydia Collipp at the start of the Girls Bronze race

Emily Ireland (571), Mississippi's top finisher, right around the 2k mark

Olivia Smith and Emily Williams working together

A good shot, as you can see Collipp, Williams, and Smith all in the same shot

Simpson Academy's Kinsley Welch at the start of Girl's Bronze race

Lafayette's Mia Dawson (471) amidst the pack 

Another good shot of Smith and Williams running together 

**With 400-500 runners being in each race, my photographer could unfortunately not get everybody. If anyone has any shots of Mississippi runners that are not on the page, please email them to msmilesplit@gmail.com and we can get them uploaded onto the site.**