Mississippi XC Girl Runner Of The Week

This is your chance to determine who is the top girl runner this week in Mississippi. You can vote for your teammate or maybe just who you think is the top runner. It does not have to be the fastest time it could be the one who made a big jump into the top ranks.

Top Time For The Week

Brooklyn Biancamano

Long Beach

D'Iberville High School Invitational17:41.18

Madison Jones

Saltillo High

Pontotoc XC Invitational18:13.75

Isabelle Wheeler

Ocean Springs

D'Iberville High School Invitational18:55.80

Mia Card

Saltillo HighPontotoc XC Invitational19:01.62

Emma Kate White

Saltillo HighPontotoc XC Invitational19:31.47