Hi, my name is Kaitlynn Woodard I was asked by my coach to do some things for the blog, Last season (my 8th grade year) I was ranked 35th in the 4-a category high school girls. This summer I am training for the state games and hopefully the junior Olympics again, this year for cross Country instead of track. Team practice hasn’t started yet but I have started practicing on my own. I feel out of shape after having to take a month out from an ankle injury. This week I have ran around 9.36 miles this will increase once team practice starts because we have two practices a day it is recommended that we come to both. I believe that if you are going to do a sport you should put everything into it. I currently feel out of shape at the moment but that will change the more I run. I also have some motivational videos that I think most of you will like to watch.
I believe other runners should write for the blog telling, how they feel, what’s hurting them, if their sore from the day before, what the weather was like. But they also need to know their body’s limits.
Motivational videos: