Interview With A Senior

Coaches and Athletes Milesplit Mississippi is going to do a series about Senior Cross Country runners. Depending on the response we could be publishing one a day or twice a week. It does not have to be a top runner. In fact just to hear from pack runners will just as interesting as those who sit on top of rankings. So what will we need?

1. A race picture of each athlete full size so that I can crop to fit in the article.

2. The following questions answered. Please no one word answers be rasl.

 a. Why do you run Cross Country be honest.

 b. What is your best memory at this point about Cross Country

 c. Would like to run in College and where.

 d. Best time at race distance. i.e. 4000 meter girls, 5000 meters boys

 e. Information about yourself that you might want a college coach to know. Like GPA, what you might want to study, ACT scores etc,

 f. Other comments.

send all the information to me at