Update On MHSAA Return To Practice Messages

COVID-19 Athlete Screening Checklist

Step 1: Ask your student athlete these following questions.
If answered yes to any of these questions, move to the step 3.

Do you have any of these symptoms:

  • Fever? (have you taken any Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever?)
  • Have you taken meds to reduce a fever?
  • Body Chills?
  • Cough?
  • Shortness of Breath?

Have you stayed with or spent any time inside with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID 19?

Step 2: If the athlete answered no to any of these questions, move into planned activity with the following steps:

  • Hand washing or using hand sanitizer before activity
  • 6-foot distancing between athletes at all times
  • Monitoring of athletes showing signs of illness

Step 3: Decline athlete from participation and cannot return to play without the following:

1. Athlete can return to play after 72 hours if they have been fever free for 24 hours and have documentation of a negative COVID-19 test.
2. If diagnosed with Covid-19, the individual needs to be quarantined from the team for 14 days.  Before returning they must be 72 hours symptoms free, and have a clearance from a MD/NP.

In a ledger, document student's name, date they were evaluated, and what signs or symptoms they were experiencing.   Keep on file any MD/NP documentation.

Link to the MHSAA page Screening Checklist.