Bloggers Photographers, Video Are You Out There

Looking for some young bloggers to write about the weeks training and the culture of your team. What do I mean? You can write about what type of workouts you did the last week and what was hard or fun. We need to hear about how your team comes together as a group to get ready to train and race. You can also talk about the last meet you and your team mates ran it. Tell us how you raced good and bad. 

Looking for the following.

At least one male runner in the bottom third of the state.

Both male and female runners in the middle of the state.

Both male and female runners in the top third of the state. 


We can use a few coaches to write about their training and maybe one particular workout that seems to work well for you. Give us the full details on the workout like distance, intervals, times, and rest between reps.


We need a couple of photographers in the Greater Jackson area. If your team runs in that area I could use someone to cover some of those meets. You do need to know how to resize your photos so that they fit on the website and then post the photos within 24 hours. You can be a parent, a friend of the team members or just a photographer that is interested in cover some meets. Hey if you are a photographer for the school year book what a better way to get some pictures for your book.


If you have an interest in doing video we need people to cover some of the bigger meets across the state. Now this does not mean you have to travel far just cover meets that are in your area. The meet must be covered from a couple of spots on the course. Examples, start, 1 mile mark, 2 mile mark, and finish. Now these points do not have to be exact but have some idea where they are located on the course. You also need to know how to edit the sections into one video. The race video does not have to be overly long just enough to give a sense of the race. You can also do interviews either pre or post race. Make sure the person identifies themselves and talks about the race. These only need to be 3 or 4 minutes long. Some of the best videographers are students from the school or parents. 

If anyone is interested in doing this please contact me at email: